The question should really be why not!
The landscape around aesthetic medicine is likely to shift dramatically in the next few years. This is predominantly to protect the public. As these changes come into play there is a strong likely hood that changes in the way non prescribing nurses offer services will need to evolve. It is anticipated that the drive to increase patient safety will stimulate a change in practice where a prescribing health professional will need to be on site during all treatments where a prescribed medication is used, or the management of a complication from a treatment needs a prescribed medication (such as hyaluronidase to manage a vascular occlusion from dermal fillers). This is already the case in Scotland.
Autonomous practice As an independent nurse prescriber you will have the ability to work independently with complete autonomy over the patients journey ensuring you provide a comprehensive service in a timely manner to all your patients. Patient are likely to see you as more trustworthy and in a more favourable light if they do not need to see an additional prescribing Health Care Providers.
Development of critical thinking skills. Prescribing qualification are at masters level which will encourage critical thinking, this will then help you question your own and others practice to help you identify areas for improvement.
Greater comprehension of drug interaction You are also like to develop a greater understanding of both pharmacodynamics and Pharmacokinetics, this will increase your overall ability to identify potential drug interactions. This will ensure any prescription medication based treatments you offer are safe and appropriate.
Holding stock. In Scotland, and this may extend to the rest of the UK, you will have the advantage of holding stock rather than ordering prescription medication on a patient named basis. This is likely to mean you will be able to order in larger quantities and negotiate more favourable rates. You will legally be able to stock emergency medication. You are also more likely to be able to expend your portfolio of services. A great example of this is prescription based skin care. You will legally be able to stock emergency medication.
Cost effective There is also the obvious saving on prescribing costs. In addition the patients only need to see one professional thus saving the patient time as well as reducing the need for them to go over their PMH and past aesthetic experiences twice.
Increased knowledge Becoming a nurse prescriber demands a higher degree of professional responsibility and accountability and there has to be an appreciation that this comes with significant responsibilities, decisions made require an appreciation the there could be consequences of actions or inaction.
As an independent nurse prescriber you must abide by the code of conduct and only prescribe with in you area of competence. There can be no doubt that this qualification will make you a more knowledgeable nurse who will almost definitely be able to offer a higher level of patient care. There are wide scale studies which suggest nurse prescribers have higher patient satisfaction, patients have better adherence to prescribed medications and there is a reduction in over prescribing of medications. While these studies are not within the field of aesthetic medicine is stands to reason the findings should be transferable.
The BACN is looking to support aesthetic nurses through this qualification and is offering advice on which universities support aesthetic nurses becoming prescribers, help you connect with mentors and potentially with a Designated Medical Practitioner /Clinical supervisor, and is offering some financial support in the form of a grant.
There has never been a more important time to consider extending both your knowledge and your professional qualification!