DNA based investigation for health

Our DNA is as unique as we are and helps define variations in our body’s needs and capabilities. Understanding your genes will allow you and your healthcare provider to better define treatments to help improve therapeutic results

How does it work?

DNA Treatment analyses genetic factors and other relevant characteristics, obtained through a patient’s anamnesis.

How is the treatment carried out?

During your appointment, we will collect a buccal swab and gather additional information like weight and blood pressure. We will also request you to complete a questionnaire. Afterward, your results will be sent for processing. A report will be generated, and you will receive a referral with personalised recommendations for optimal weight, gut, skin, and overall health.

What Patients Are Saying

“It’s like lifting the bonnet from a car and seeing what’s inside! Outstanding questions I had were confirmed and I found out I had intolerances that I wasn’t even aware of.”

“The results of my test were invaluable. I lost weight and I feel better in myself.”

“The report made it clear I needed the dedicated time with the dietician to explain how I could adjust my daily diet to my advantage.”

How Nutri Testing an Help You

NutriGen is beneficial for anyone who: 

  • Wants to understand how their genetics affect their body weight.
  • Would like to have the optimal diet plan according to their body characteristics.

With NutriGen you will receive:

Personalised diet plan

Get a customised diet plan designed exclusively to assist you in reaching your goals.

Genetic factors explained

With an analysis of 384 genetic variations, you’ll receive a comprehensive report to better understand your body’s nutritional needs.

Expert guidance

Your nutritionist will gain a deeper understanding of your genetic characteristics in relation to your weight.

One-time genetic test

Your genetic results remain constant throughout your lifetime.