- 42 Chalmers St Dunfermline KY12 8DF
- 01383 733363
Broken capillaries/ spider veins/ facial telangiectasia
Broken capillaries (also known as spider veins, or facial telangiectasia) are little red thread-like blood vessels that are visible on your skin. They aren’t broken per se – they develop when the walls of blood vessels that lie very close to the surface of your skin weaken and expand, so they become more visible.
Caused include sun damage, rubbing, extreme temperatures, harsh skin care treatments, and irritation. Combined with a predisposition towards them forming ( genetics, pregnancy, rosacea, or any other number of conditions) and the chances of them developing at some point during your life increases.
Unfortunately, there aren’t any effective over-the-counter treatments for broken capillaries. IPL is the safest and most effective way to treat them.
IPL for Rosacea
Rosacea is a common and chronic skin condition that can present in numerous different ways. The common presentation is redness, increased sensitivity, and visibly broken blood vessels on your face. More rarely small, pus-filled bumps can also present.
Lasers are very effective at reducing many of the signs and symptoms associated with Rosacea. They work by using the heat from wavelengths of light to collapse the visible, tiny red blood vessels.
Redness is reduced, the skin becomes less reactive and more tolerant, and as a bonus, IPL also triggers the production of collagen resulting in the improvement of overall skin texture.
IPL also helps to alleviate pustular rosacea.
Acne and IPL
If you have acne and you are looking tried and tested solution to get rid of it, then IPL may be the solution you need. With just a few sessions, IPL treatments can clear up even the most extreme cases of facial acne.
Each treatment begins with a protective cooling gel being applied to the targeted area. This will help keep the top layer of the skin safe from the heat without preventing the IPL flashes from penetrating the skin.
The IPL device is pressed to the treated area and a flash of light is emitted into the skin. The tip is moved along the skin, emitting a flash at every different point. The treatment ends with the skin being wiped clean and the patient given a post-treatment product to help with the healing process.
With alternatives like oral antibiotics that can be harmful to some patients, IPL therapy is a safe and easy option for acne removal. We also recommend a consultation with Julia or Sherri to help guide you through a treatment plan to ensure you have amazing long term results – and BEAUTIFUL SKIN!
Yes, it is a safe treatment, when your procedure is performed by a professional practitioner with the proper equipment. The laser and IPL emits light energy that specifically targets the melanin in the lesion while the surrounding skin remains unharmed.
Laser and IPL (Intense Pulsed Light) pigment removal treatments are versatile and can be safely used on many areas of the body to address concerns such as sun damage, age spots, freckles, and other forms of hyperpigmentation. The most commonly treated areas include:
Treatment outcome depends on vessel type, depth, reaction to the treatment and life style. Vessels may be completely removed or minimised. However, there are no guarantees that vessels do not reoccur as it is part of our natural blood circulatory system.